Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Currents events: Chimp

About a year ago their had been a chimpanzee attack that had led to Charla Nash's horrible encounter with the 200lb mamal. On that same day that the chimpanzee attack had led her to lose her nose, hands, eyelids, and had demolished her face. Yesterday the attorney had told the press that the hospital that said they could preform these astonishing precedures couldn't do them anymore, which we dont know about just yet. Charla has very pity for the owner of the chimpanzee due to the fact that the owner of tha furious mamal couldn't get sued. Because of this attack Charal was affraid to reveal her face to the public until November 11, 2009. I had wrote about this article because it had brought my attention to all the court and judical including the medical terms. It had got me a little upset that the owner of the chimp was at no fault.
