Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Einstein On The Miracle Of Life.

"There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." -Albert Einstein

The quote that Einstein had used is very true. I think that everybody should live there life they would want to, but then also they shouldn't live it so boring. Everything should be an excitement i think, if not everybody wouldn't be the same people they are as of right now. Meaning theme parks would have no yelling because the excitement rate had went down, thinking that everything to them is planned out and a practical life. On the other hand put as an example, a little boy or girl going to Disney World, That can be put as their miracle, because what if they never went, what would they had been doing? So everything is based on something no matter what. Life is a Miracle, as i believe.

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